Wednesday, 13 January 2010


  1. Woah there, cowboy! I'm hoping this is a comment on what the media tells folk over Christmas, (Binge!Repent!), and not you hatin' on us fat peeps?

  2. i love this, and i hope that it IS a comment on fat people not the media at christmas because it would fill me with feeling of extreme happines

  3. Oh really? Don't you feel we're quite vilified, stigmatised and demonised and moralised at enough? Tell me, do you actually know any fat people, which is to say those deemed officially obese by the government? Or don't the ones you know qualify for insults because they don't conform to the stupid/shiftless/ugly/smelly/junkfood-scarfing/socially irresponsible/morally lax stereotype? Or are you, y'know, just a wanker in general?

  4. Absolutely a pop at the media - What gets me is that demented pre-Christmas advertising encouraging, nay demanding that we over-indulge and over-spend at every opportunity - ker-ching! Then when it's all over, it's a 180 degree turn to spend more money reversing the effects.
    Watch this space for more anti-media rants.
    Hey Pablo, you need to get a grip!

  5. Thanks for clearing that up for me; it was the "*until February" that tipped me the wink!

  6. enough already..had a terrible experience for Christmas diner...happily was seated next to rather than opposite a morbidly obese man..the idea of watching him stuff his face made me want to vomit..and his second portion was as large as his first...meanwhile he and his partner referred to me as a lollypop stick... after I declined more grub... and told the party I was on a diet whereas in fact as my body mass index is classed by BUPA as ideal..and I can just about cope with guys self-control isbthe order of the day!

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. Tony, you cannot judge an entire section of society on the actions of one individual, however obnoxious you found them or however rudely they behaved during your one brief meeting with them. There are many, many reasons an individual can become fat; eating more than you would or think they should is only one of them. And a lack of self control is hardly exclusive to fat people. People of all shapes and sizes take drugs, get drunk, wallop their kids when they're cross and have unprotected sex with people they don't even fancy, let alone know the names of. I hardly think having seconds at Christmas is the most morally reprehensible thing a bloke can do.

    The BMI is a load of arbitrary twaddle that was developed almost two hundred years ago and was never intended to function as an indicator of health in the general populace. Furthermore it fails to function as one a) because it can't differentiate between muscle mass and body fat and b) because a number tells you bugger all about an individual's eating or exercise habits or anything at all about their actual health. Furthermore, (yes, there's more), the World Health Organisation decided in 1998 to move the goal posts regarding the categorisation of lowering them. (Which is a very strange thing to do given that people are taller, better nourished and significantly healthier than they were in the 1840s when the system was devised). Thus millions previously considered to be of a healthy and socially desirable weight were rendered "overweight" overnight, while those previously deemed overweight became "obese".

    However, judging by your character assassination above, I imagine you are not using the term "obese" according to the tenets of the BMI, despite invoking it to assert your moral superiority, but rather in the way most laypersons bandy about the term. i.e fatter than I can personally stand to look at/find sexually attractive. Which is not big, clever or, in point of fact, science. Though neither is the BMI, which is where I came in.

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